Early season form and fun!!

2 WTS races down already and it is only mid May!! Ranked number 2 in the world!! Everything to play for in Madrid with regards to Olympic selection. Looking forward to the rest of 2012, hell yes!!
When I am on the start line of any race I like to take about 10sec (not too long now!!) to look around and see how cool our sport is ,and how far it has come in my time in it, from way back in the mid 90's . Let’s just say with Sydney Opera house and Sydney Bridge behind me and 70 of the best triathletes in the world around me it’s pretty cool. I would say it has come a long long way!!

I had a good race in Sydney, not stella, but a good solid start and 11th is not too bad. I had a few issues at the end of the run so had to back off a little but it was a good opening race. As usual it was fast and aggressive but that’s racing and why I love it.

Straight after Sydney I few to Victoria, BC in Canada for a month long camp to prepare for San Diego WTS. I have never been there before but can say I would love to go back. Great training across all 3 disciplines and also a really nice vibe for the outdoors and fitness and sport in general. I also stayed with Kyle Jones and his lovely wife Kelly who were great (thanks!!). We did 99% of our training together under new coach for me, Joel Filliol, and we really had some great sessions and nice easy miles as well. I love Elke lake – here’s one of my runs: http://connect.garmin.com/activity/180511942

San Diego is the birth place of Triathlon (1974) so it was really cool to go back there for a WTS race. They really put on a good show and the race course was sweet. I came 7th and it was a good building block from Sydney, only 23sec away from the podium. I really raced aggressively and pushed hard early on in the run which I enjoyed. 

The tough part about the last month is being away from my family, the support and sacrifices they make are amazing and they are my number 1 fans (love you guys xxxx). I went home straight from San Diego but only for 48hours as I am now in Spain preparing for Madrid later this week. All is going well and I am hungry to race, bring it on…………

I hope everyone’s early season has been going well and the rain in the UK has not effected training and racing too much .Good luck for those going for Worlds places in the coming weeks .Train Hard, Win Easy 
