Tim Don is looking forward to the new season

So I have just finished a nice 3 month block of training in Stellenbosch with my family, it really is a top draw place to train for any level of athlete and there is so much to do with the family as well (got to think of these things now!!). From the quiet roads, great training, awesome gym and masseur, as well as the cafes, restaurants playgrounds, beach 15km away, it rocks; We loved it out there!!

_RL30885I have not had the best or greatest winter in the world at all but I do think I have strung a very good consistent block of work together and for me at this time of the year “Consistency is King”. Give me 5 good/average days of hard work over a Legend day and 2 bad days. I have been lucky enough over the last 2 months as well to have some great input form some world class coaches and with their knowledge and experience of "Pulling the Trigger " in big races, I am really looking forward to the season kicking off, can't wait!! I have my new fresh Venge with some FR 404's on my Conti comp 22 tubs, my new Asics custom flats and a secret prototype S Works Tri shoe (look out T1 and T2, I coming). I love new toys !! I am also excited this year to be able to measure all the swim course's accurately with my Garmin 910XT, here’s Sydney: http://connect.garmin.com/activity/167506631 

I am just about to race Sydney WCS the first one of the year and also part of the BTF Olympic selection policy. If I am honest, I think it’s the toughest policy out there – no top 5's or 3 X top 8's, it’s get on the podium or get out (putting it simply). Fair enough, I guess we have known what we need to do for over a year and so let’s get it on, if we are not good enough in the Federations eyes, good luck to the 2 Brownlee brothers, do us proud lads!! After Sydney, we head to San Diego in 4 weeks and 2 weeks after that Madrid then we will know who's in and who's out. It’ll be cool to go back to one of the original places where triathlon comes from in San Diego, might even get a chance to meet one of the 3 Scotts or the Great Mark Allen – now that would be cool!! 

Good luck to the early season racers out there, I hope the winter miles have paid off with summer smiles!!