Sep VanMarcke Interview

How did the Edge 800 help you through the recent Omloop success?  

The Edge 800 is my great training tool for the Classics. For the races and specifcally for Omloop, I used the Edge 500. On race days, its small, sleek, areodynamic and I can customize my data fields so I can see what’s important to me. That was a huge part of my success at Omloop!

Van marcke attacks

How is the Edge 800 helping with reconnaissance rides for the classics? 

For reconnaissance rides for the Classics, the Garmin Edge is a huge advantage because I can program in the entire parcours (race course) into my 800 and see where the feed zones are and most importantly, where all of the Pave sections are. This is a great advantage for our team when it comes to the cobbled classics!

What you have on your main screen for the key races? 

For key races I have time, Kilometers, speed, heart rate, percent of the hill, altitude and power on my Edge 500 screen. 


How important is knowing where the feedzones are for the long classic races? 

In a race like Flanders that is 260km long, knowing where the feed zones are is critical.
Do you pre-programme certain locations on the Edge ahead of the races from your local knowledge?  Of course! I’ve been riding the roads and courses in Belgium since I was six years old. I’m still only 23 but being able to program my knowledge of home roads  into my Edge 800 gives me a great advantage in my training.