Saracens take on the #4miler

Garmin3 THEY’VE taken their body to the absolute limit for the past four weeks, but the Investec team came up against some pretty formidable competition yesterday when their Garmin #4miler challenge ended on an ultimate high.

Each member of the eight-strong team has seen race times reduced and fitness levels increase over the past month, but a visit from Aviva Premiership giants Saracens for a 'flash-jog' proved the ultimate test of their fitness.

Former England international Andy Farrell, the skills and backs coach, led the Sarries line-up, which included fellow coaches Paul Gustard Mark McCall, Scott Murphy, physio Dan Vickers and first-team star Andy Saull.


Naturally, rugby players are not conditioned to run on concrete and cobbled areas, but the Sarries’ six proved more than capable running partners for the Investec team, who showed their high-profile visitors around their four-mile loop around the City.

Murphy, Saracens’ performance director said: “In this day and age of people working all hours, the Garmin #4miler is ideal. You can run any time, anywhere against anyone all around the world. It really is the social networking of fitness.


“Just like it is for the Investec team, the Garmin watch is exceptional in giving us the feedback we need at the end of each training session to monitor the players’ fitness levels. It’s the next evolution.”
