Investec sign up for the Garmin #4miler

 Robert and Richard meet Greg Vulinovic from GarminAs more and more people across the country are signing up their company for the lunchtime #4miler we thought it was high time we told you how one of our hero companies were doing. 

INVESTEC boss Robert Evans believes the Garmin #4miler will
not only bring his workforce closer together – but will also help increase
productivity in the office. Banker Evans says "a lunchtime run around the City
streets leaves workers more relaxed and revitalised for a busy afternoon in the

More than 50 Investec staff members put their name down for
the Garmin #4miler challenge before joint team champions Evans and Richard
Johnson settled upon a pre-registered eight for our blog. They are now joined by FJ
Eigelaar, Holly Cracknell, Slade Spalding, Omar Elhag, Chris Huddleston and
David Knott and City.A.M. newspaper have also been following their progress. 


“There was enormous interest,” Evans said in his interview with City AM interview. “We are quite a
sporty bank anyway, but I didn’t expect quite so much interest. “It just goes
to show what a good scheme it is. It’s great to get out from under your desk at
lunchtime and use your time wisely to keep fit. “In my experience, I find that
a half hour run in the lunch break really increases productivity in the office
because you feel refreshed and enlivened. “It’s also helped bring us closer
together as a team. I’ve got to know people I wouldn’t normally bump into in
the office, and maybe when the scheme becomes more popular with other firms, it
could help networking throughout the City, and maybe even a bit of competition
if those shall wish.”

Evans, himself, completed the London Marathon back in April
and is using the #4miler to train for his second marathon, in Leicester, later
in the year. “Personally speaking, it’s great to get the extra training in, but
it doesn’t have to just suit regular runners, it’s equally perfect for those
who just want to stay in shape but don’t always have the time to do so,” he added.
“It’s also great to have the Garmin Forerunner 110 watch. It’s a really nice piece of kit and
will really help me with my training.”

The Investec team have tried and tested a number of
four-mile loops through the City, but the run along the embankment to Westminster
seems to be the most popular. “We’re looking at running at least twice a week,
on a Tuesday and Thursday, so keeping motivated is key,” he added, “so we
thought a scenic route along the river would help keep people interested –
especially when the weather isn’t too kind.”

Stay tuned for the latest updates from Robert and his colleagues as the #4miler campaign continues.
