Steve Way in the running for international glory

Steve Way

Bournemouth postman and Garmin Run Club Ambassador Steve Way has been selected to represent England in the Toronto Waterfront Marathon in September, just three years since taking up the sport.

The 36-year-old Bournemouth Athletic Club runner and British over-35 10-mile champion, fell into running in a bid to curb his weight and a 20-a-day smoking habit only to discover he had a talent for the sport.

Steve’s international call-up comes after an amazing track record in his short running career. He was the seventh Briton across the line in this year’s London Marathon and was previously the fastest British male in the New York Marathon.

The Toronto Waterfront event will see Way as one of a three-man squad tackling the Canadian course against teams from Canada, Japan, Mexico and the USA - almost exactly three years since he took his first steps to fitness.

Now clocking up 140 training miles a week on top of his part-time postal route, we hope our Run Club Ambassador has found a Way to further his already flourishing marathon career.

See what it takes to train to be an England international athlete at Bournemouth AC's Garmin Connect site

Read the full story as featured in the Bournemouth Evening Echo.