Brownlee to battle Europe’s elite in Athlone


Garmin kit-sponsored Alistair Brownlee’s title-trail will be a family affair in Athlone this weekend when he lines up against a tough European field including younger brother Jonathan.

Reigning world champion Alistair’s bid for the European crown takes place on Sunday (4 July 2010), where he will resume his battle with current titleholder Javier Gomez to compete for the only major that eluded Brownlee last season.

The younger Brownlee brother looks ready to give his sibling a run for his money – as last season’s Junior World Champion and second in this year’s Junior World Championships in Australia.

Other front-runners in this weekend’s event include Russian Alexander Brukhankov, Frenchman Laurent Vidal, Portugal’s Joao Silva, Swiss Sven Riederer and Germany’s Steffen Justus.

Athlone will see athletes compete in a 1.5 kilometre swim in the River Shannon followed by a flat and fast 40 kilometre ride before a 10 kilometre run through the medieval city.

Al took advantage of a trip back home last weekend for a training run in the Yorkshire Dales, recorded by his Forerunner 405 running sportswatch on Garmin Connect.

Brownlee battles for the continental triathlon crown at 3.30pm Sunday 4 July 2010.