Garmin leads Dallaglio Foundation in ride with David Millar

A team of intrepid cyclists will set out in 2010 to cover 5 countries in 28 days, in a journey that will lead them across hill, dale and mountain.

Normally the domain of procyclists, this incredible journey, led by ex-England rugby captain Lawrence Dallaglio, will be undertaken by a handful of rugby and cricket stars, along with members of the public.

The aim of the ride is to raise awareness and much needed funds for of a selection of charities including Lawrence's own Dallaglio foundation.

In order to prepare for the upcoming ride Lawrence along with a group including Times journalist Paul Kimmage set out for the streets of Girona to meet up with Team Garmin-Transitions' very own British star, David Millar.

Dallaglio 1

The team set out with Millar and their trusty Garmin Edge 705s to test their abilities, both mental and physical, and take on the Rocacorba mountain.


After the tough climb and a few pointers from David, Lawrence reached the summit in a very respectable 60 mins. For more information on the Dallaglio foundation challenge, or to take to the saddle yourself, visit

To find out what it takes to get the edge visit
