Team Garmin’s Wiggins hits 3rd place on GC

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With a week remaining Team Garmin has a real shout at the podium after Bradley Wiggins herculean performance in the mountains of Stage 15. Finishing 5th in the stage ahead of some of the more recognised climbers, Wiggo was able to push further ahead on GC and position himself in 3rd place ready for the final week. With further mountain stages and time trials ahead, Team Garmin in the UK are getting more excited by the day as the coverage for Bradley and Team Garmin continues ahead of the finale in Paris.

Keep an eye on Bradley's Twitter page for the latest feed from the riders view point and the coverage on ITV4 and Eurosport for the final stages of what has been an enthralling Tour de France. For the latest data from Team Garmin's Edge 705's check out their Garmin Connect account.

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