British Triathlon announce official supplier relationship with Garmin

British Triathlon is delighted to announce Garmin as a new Official Supplier. The relationship will provide British Triathlon’s World-Class Performance team with performance analysis tools that will enable athletes in both Olympic and Paralympic programmes to maximise their potential and continue to be the best prepared athletes in the sport.

LG_BTF_LockUp_OffSupplier_RGBThe sponsorship will also see Garmin provide a 20% discount to all triathlon Home Nation Members on selected Garmin products, as well as providing a presence at the annual British Triathlon and Duathlon Championship events, starting with the British Triathlon Championships Liverpool on 10 Aug 2014.

The exciting sponsorship will allow Garmin to further strengthen their position within triathlon, a sport with which they have always had strong links. Through working with the Performance teams, Garmin hope to be able to continue to be innovative, and provide customers with market-leading products.

“We work very hard to make our products an essential tool for athletes and coaches to monitor their performance. We’re therefore extremely proud to work as an Official Supplier to the British Triathlon Federation and their Elite Olympic and Paralympic Performance squads. We also hope that by making our products even more accessible to Home Nation members, we will be helping them reach their full potential and helping to ensure a bright future for triathlon in this country", said Andy Silver, Garmin EMEA Fitness Product Manager.

_DSC0913Ben Bright, British Triathlon’s Head Coach of the Olympic Triathlon Programme added, “We are really looking forward to having a closer relationship with Garmin. Garmin provides us with cutting edge equipment that is useful to the athletes, their coaches and the world-class support staff that we have behind them.

“Their products allow us and the athletes to better understand competition demands and individual training needs which allows us to tailor programmes and monitor training loads accordingly, ensuring that the quality remains as high as possible.”

Jonathon Riall, British Triathlon’s Paratriathlon Performance Manager commented: “We are delighted to be working with Garmin. With paratriathlon in its first Paralympic cycle, we are excited about working with companies that mirror what we are trying to do with our programme, which is be innovative, hard working, and constantly pushing the barriers. Garmin will help us to continue to move this new sport on, at an extremely fast and exciting pace.”

Whether it’s running, cycling, or other athletic pursuits, Garmin fitness devices are becoming essential tools for athletes both amateur and elite. For more about features, pricing and availability, as well as information about Garmin’s other fitness products and services, go to, and