5 Easy Ways to Balance Your Nutrition

You may have noticed that we care about your health. We spend a lot of time crafting best-in-class features for our smartwatches, making it as easy (and enjoyable!) as possible for you to track your body’s status in terms of sleep, hydration, exercise, energy and more. As well as this, nutrition plays a big part in all of the above.

New to the idea of zeroing in on your nutrition habits? We get it. There are only so many hours in the day and getting your nutrition on track can feel like a big task. But by following 5 easy steps, you’ll be well on your way to making better choices in terms of balanced eating and physical activity.

  1. Prep your meals. It’s possible that you’re reading this as a 5-star chef whose greatest joy is selecting the finest fresh fruits and vegetables from the grocery store each morning — but on the off chance that that isn’t the case, meal prep really doesn’t have to be as complicated as all of that. Simply make a plan to have food on hand that you can easily prepare (or heat up in the microwave) throughout your week. You’re setting yourself up for success already (and probably saving some money) if you keep some nutrient-dense options on hand rather than hitting up the drive-thru when mealtime rolls around.   

Need some help tracking your water intake? Try our Garmin Hydration Tracking widget to help you monitor your fluids.