Alistair Brownlee is enjoying training

Every time I come back to writing a Garmin blog, my mood is improving and I have a lot more to write 
about. Looking back over the last few it has been a slow progression. From having to fill blank pages with
words about building an underwater treadmill, which was great to fill the void, but not what I love. To 
watching my brother go to track sessions, while I did 15 minute jogs around golf courses. Now I am really 
back into the swing of it. Over the last month I have been doing what I would consider 'proper training'. 
Still a lot of hours (solid Sunday ride:, but some real 

The part of it I really enjoy isn't just the fact I get to run as fast I can in circles, ride up and down the same 
stretch of road every Thursday night battling with other cyclists or even taking a few elbows of the other 
guys in my lane on swim drafting sessions. The part I think every athlete loves the most is the feeling 
afterwards, on an evening when you are well and truly fff...ried! Knowing that you have spent all day doing 
what you love, with no limitations. It is a totally different fatigue and one that comes with nothing but 
satisfaction. Since the prior few weeks had been going well, I decided to have a run out at the GE Blenheim 
Triathlon. I don't particularly ever feel like I need a race to get fully fit, but it does help and it's all the 
small things you forget about when you haven't raced in so long. Making sure your elastic laces are laced
up properly, putting elastic bands on everything, tattooing numbers to yourself and laying out your racking
area. I had to remind myself of this so much that me and Jonny ended up having to run down to the swim
start in fear of missing it! 

The race went as well as it could of done for me. I swam well, me and Jonny rode very strongly together, 
I felt pushed, but definitely not in any trouble on the run. The biggest thing about the weekend for me was 
the reception we got. I must of signed about 1000 autographs and been in as many pictures! We had to be 
ushered into a separate room just so we can grab some dinner!

From this point onwards I feel I can relax. I'm now doing what I am used to. All of the media commitments 
are calming down so that me and Jonny can prepare properly. From now on it is train, race sleep and eat! 
Although it sounds boring, I love this time of year. Roll on Kitzbuhel.