Back into the light

Tim Don

By Tim Don

So, out of the dark and back to racing… I LOVE IT!!!!

My last race seems a lifetime ago, what with the football World Cup, the world of triathlon was put on hold. It did not bother me as after Des Moines I was able to take an easy week then get down to try and move on a level for my next batch of races. I decided to visit my sister in Switzerland for a few weeks and catch up with AJ, my old room mate from a few years ago. He has since retired to have a family… …but he also has been living in the mountains and getting out on the bike a fair bit!!!! Oh, we had some great rides and with only a 21 on the back they were truly character building!! I also spent some time in Newcastle for a wedding. A lovely day, thanks Claire and Jessie.

I felt leading into Hamburg that I had good form in all three disciplines but I really want to hit London hard (who wouldn't, being a home WCS?). So I decided to train solid up till Wednesday and with the race on the Saturday, I knew it would be a tough event but I wanted to dig deep and really work hard for my performance.

Frodeno, Gomez and Don celebrate in Hamburg

I had a nice swim in the warm GREEN water, the bike was fun, a bit up and down but hey, that seems to be racing these days. On the run Jan and Gomez were out of the blocks and gone, my mind was willing but maybe the legs had a few to many hard runs in them. I hung tough and got going towards the end (well the last 2km) and ended up on the podium, sweet. The crowd were amazing – so many people, so much support, I had a ball out there. Another good performance and my first WCS podium. Now eight days to freshen up for London !!

Back home now, all in one piece. Hope to see you in Hyde Park. Train hard, win easy.

Garmin kit-sponsored Tim Don competes in London for the Hyde Park World Championship Series on 25 July and again in the London Triathlon on 8 August.