Ed Leigh, Summer!

Finally the summer has arrived and we can start exploring a bit more. I’ve been back in Europe for the last six weeks dragging my family the length and breadth of Britain, catching up with old friends and finding more than a bit of playtime along the way.

Before I get stuck in to the reason why I got this….



I thought I’d share this with you, I spend a bit of time trawling through the Red Bull content pool because it is one of the place to find out what the world’s best funded lunatics are up to.

As you’ll see in the clip, old school all rounder Robbie Naish is off on a jolly to find the longest waves on earth. But you’ll also spot the Forerunner 310XT making an appearance as the best way to measure the length of the rides.


That’s the next mission for me when I get back to NZ to measure Raglans lefts! Can’t wait.

Now the black eye…I’d been in training (very lazy mid summer training) as these tracks  show.


For an action sports industry football tournament. I had attached myself to the Brighton based Chandos team consisting of creatives in all fields  of media, digital etc etc and I should say a tidy bit of talent on the pitch or at least so we thought. We lost horrifically to some much younger, more organized teams who dined out on our lack of pace. In what I hope most people who know me would agree, was quite out of character rush of blood to the head I took umbrance to some very unsporting behavior and due to the lack of a referee decided to sort it out myself. Luckily it came to nothing more than handbags and at the end of the day we all shook hands and apologized.

Sadly karma has a way of ticking you off and the following week at Brighton’s pitch invasion 5 a side a rather taller man who ran with his elbows managed to administer the above shiner for me to nurse with shame. I have however learned my lesson.

I have also been out to the Brazilian capital Brasilia on the second stop of the X Fighters world tour. More than 110,000 spectators turned out at the exact same time that the Champions League final had managed to attract a paltry 90,000 fans and the course was the biggest we have ever seen. Brasilia itself is to Brazil what Canberra is to Australia in that it is populated by civil servants and sports almost none of the vibrancy that Brazil is so famous for.

It is worth seeing once just to witness Oscar Niemeyers complete vision of a capital city and to marvel that Niemeyer is still alive at 104 and working was in the mere salad days of his career in 1957 when he was 50 years old and construction began on the city.

Nate Adams won the comp, if you want to have a look at highlights check the below link, it was madness.

I promise next time they’ll be more action, including the ambiguously named Gentlemans Skate Club.