Jonny Brownlee’s end of season review

I really enjoyed the 2010 season. My season started really well with victory in the French Grand Prix (in Dunkirk). This was my first senior victory and gave my high hopes for the season. I was brought back down to earth straight away as I had to start my revision for my Uni exam as soon as I got in the car for the journey home. My next race was the World Championship Series in Madrid. After my FGP victory I had high hopes. However, I had an awful race. It was a really hot and hard race. After Madrid I was very disappointed and I realized I had more improvement to make to become a good senior.

After a few other races, my next big race was the London (Hyde Park) World Championship Series. I started the run and quickly found myself in a group of 4 with the best in the world. I couldn't believe that I was there. The race finished with highs and lows. I had a great race and finished 2nd but I had to run past Al who struggled in the last 200m. He is such a great athlete and I felt really sorry for him.
After London I had great confidence. I won my first world title in Lausanne at the World Sprint Champs. It was a great course and a great race. It was also the venue that Al won his first world title 4 years earlier!! My final big race of the season was the World U23 Champs in Budapest. There was a lot of pressure on me for this race. The weather was just like Yorkshire and I had a great race and won. It was a really good season!!

After the season I took a break of 2-3 weeks. It was a long season and I felt that I needed a longer break than normal. This allowed me to become more involved with my sponsors. I went on the Garmin Slipstream bike ride. This was a great day and was finished with a barbecue in the sun.

Forerunner310XT_HR_105_screen I have started Uni again. After the end of the tri season starting Uni is very difficult. I’ve gone from the highs in Budapest to the hard work at Uni. During the season we see great places and do nothing but train, race, eat and relax. After the season finishes, I have to combine training and Uni work. History is a good degree to fit around training. This year I only have 4 hours a week of lecture time. However I have to do a lot of reading for seminars and essays. After long rides (e.g., I get a hot chocolate and read history books in my bed. I really do enjoy my degree though. I have split my year this year to help my training. Leeds University have been extremely helpful. I will delay submitting my dissertation by a year. So while my friends are busily trying to finish their dissertation I can be out training!!

The snow has recently arrived! I love the snow (for a while anyway). I love to run and ride in the snow and Yorkshire looks even more pretty. I have done a lot of mountain biking. I have met up with my cycling mates and explored some new routes. I have loved the change and my bike skills have improved massively! I am also an expert on the different types of snow.

I only have a few more days in the snow as I go to Lanzarote in a few days. I am looking forward to get 10 days training in the sun. The British team and a few of my training friends are coming. I want to get some long rides on the island and also enjoy some of the activities at Club La Santa. Last time we went Al beat me at the canoe race and has not stopped talking about it since. This time I will do some practice beforehand and hopefully have my revenge !

All the best