Jonny Brownlee’s in peak form

Since my previous instalment things have continued to go swimmingly! On that topic the swim training has continued to be laborious but necessary. Still not quite warm enough to jump in the river, so haven’t had chance to test the 910XT out up the wharfe! Hopefully once the warm returns I might get the chance. 

_DSC6221Top of the list for me last month were the UK Inter Counties Cross Country Championships. I had been really looking forward to this race. Probably the most hotly contested domestic cross country race and a great opportunity to slip on the Yorkshire vest. This year I had the run of my life, finishing in a very strong 5th place. It proves that I really am in my best ever shape running wise. 

High up on the notable occasions for last month, was the launch of the Adidas Olympic kit. Every top British medal hopeful was there and there was an incredible buzz about the whole event. Almost as if the Olympics were just around the corner…Our Kit design was good, me and Ali had to prance up and down the cat walk. Not something either of us were hugely comfortable with! 

Until a couple of weeks ago we have had a summer up here in Yorkshire and it has been great for training and morale in the whole group. The light nights have made fitting all the training in a lot easier. Ali has started to do a decent amount of training now as well after his Achilles lay off, which has certainly helped everyone’s mood in the house. Here’s a recent ride: So for now all is well in Yorkshire. Easter chocolate has been worked off and I’m starting to crave a race. Roll on May 12th!