Meyer reigns over Rocacorba

Team Garmin pro-cyclist Travis Meyer has smashed the 2010 record for Garmin Cycle Club’s Rocacorba Climb. Clocking a time of 33min 46sec, he’s seized the crown from teammate Ryder Hesjedal, as you can see at our online training community Garmin Connect. The team’s home climb in Gerona gives our squad a tough training challenge to battle the gradient, the altitude and the blazing Spanish sunshine.

Aussie National Road Race Champion Meyer inched nearer to Dan Martin’s impressive 28min 45sec, which bagged last year’s title.

Travis Meyer 
Travis Meyer

Keep checking in to Garmin Cycle Club to see who’ll eventually reign over Rocacorba and watch this space for an announcement which may see you sizing up the mountain in a virtual climb alongside our pro-cyclist squad.

Cam Meyer 
Cam Meyer

Meyer's older brother and teammate Cam is currently sharpening his own climbing skills in the Giro d'Italia. Follow his progress in the Giro