News piece highlights danger of relying solely on apps for navigation in the hills

It has recently been reported that a group of 16 hill walkers had to be rescued from the Cairngorms after getting lost relying only on their smartphones for navigation.

This story has highlighted the growing trend of those using apps in more and more challenging environments and not taking back up navigation. The danger is the units which support apps are not yet built to be used at length in extreme conditions. Group image

Garmin has always insisted their range of Outdoor products need to be used in conjunction with a map and compass with local knowledge taken into consideration with the route and any challenges predetermined.

To avoid getting yourself into a similar situation, investigate Garmin’s range of precise and durable Outdoor products available with Garmin GB Discoverer OS Mapping for the whole of the UK! Also book yourself onto a course, GPS Training offer GPS and map reading skills on the hills with professionals!