nüvi 1690 named best of the best in Which? sat nav test

Which award Our nüvi 1690 online sat nav with nüLink! web services has topped the polls as the best sat nav in Which? magazine’s Test Lab.

The organisation respected for its independent consumer advice puts eleven “best buy” sat navs through their paces both in the lab and on the road to find the cream of the current in-car navigator crop.

Which? reserves particular praise for 1690’s web-driven content, delivering rapid, relevant traffic alerts, fuel prices, Cyclops speed cameras, flight status updates, Google Local search and many more services. It also commends the fact a year’s subscription is included in the purchase, with online nüLink! services charged at just £44.99 per year (less than 87 pence weekly) thereafter.

1690_ID Fuel 
Concluding: “It’s quick to re-route and great for highlighting points of interest,” Which? gives our flagship online navigator a test store of 72% to take the top spot amongst its top-rated navs.

In addition to its Which?-rated dynamic live services, nüvi 1690 is packed full of premium Garmin navigation features including hands-free calling, Lane Assist with Junction View, park position recall and multi-point route planning, plus full European maps for 43 countries.