Onward and Upward!!

So two weekends have passed since my non selection and two British tittles and a little smile on my face (just a little!).

The first was the British Cross Triathlon Champs. I can say my win was down to one number 29' . Oh my, what a bike (Specialized 29' Epic S-Works, check it out), it kills the trails. I only rode it once in my life before the race and that was the day before around the course, but you just point and she goes; an amazing piece of kit I can tell you. The swim was great, fresh, clean (14'C fresh), amazing water in Lake Coniston, a bit long but it’s all good. The bike had some sweet single track that I loved, the guys said it is one of the best courses out there for a cross Tri/Xterra – it was great fun and very challenging. The run was bloody hard – up up up and then, funnily enough, down, but going up was crazy with massive rocks everywhere. There was no finding your rhythm and the down was so steep my quads were screaming at me. When you finished you knew you had had a hard day in the office. I can say it was one of my best race/weekend experiences for a very long time. You guys book it in your diary for next year!!

_RL30885Second up was Windsor and National Champs. I love racing at Windsor, it was my first ever Olympic distance way back in 1995 when I was 17 and I loved it back then. This year was a little different as due to the heavy rainfall (we all know about that), the swim had to be cancelled as the current was way too fast (and it looked a little like dirty). It was the only choice by Human Race for safety reasons. Fair play they put on a great race with the swim been replaced by a 1000m run. Last year I froze out there, it felt like -20'C to me with heavy rain as well. This year was back to John Lunt's best weather with blue sky's and mid 20's temp, lovely!! I had a great last 2km of the bike and ran out of T2 hard, with all the support out there. I was able to cruise home to take my 3rd win at Windsor and my 5th British tittle, happy days!! Here’s the info: http://connect.garmin.com/activity/194649889

I hope everyones season started well and you have all hit or had a good crack at your early season goals. 

Bring on the sun and more racing I say!!

Train Hard Win Easy

