Simulate the Wings for Life World Run Catcher Car

WFL Catching2
Thirty minutes after the Wings for Life World Run begins on Sunday, a Catcher Car sets off at each location worldwide. As long as you stay in front of the Catcher Car,you are still in the race. When you get passed, your race is over. For the first hour,the cars will go 15 km/h and it will increase to 16 km/h in the second hour, 17 km/hin the third hour, 20 km/h in the fourth hour and they will speed up to 35 km/h two hours later.

If you are unable make it to a Wings for Life World Run in your area, you can still participate and race against the Catcher Car thanks to a developer who created an app that simulates the experience. You can download the Wings for Life – Catch Time Remaining app by clicking here and visiting Connect IQ and sending it to your compatible device thanks to CykelDene. Here are additional details about the app:

Time for running and Catcher Car calculation will start counting from starting the activity and will continue even if you pause

  • After the catch distance has been crossed the data field will switch to show elapsed distance instead
  • The average speed used for estimation is recalculated every 5th second using a circular buffer with samples of distance and elapsed time
  • Before the five minute buffer has filled up, it will use the data collected so far and will start giving you estimations as soon as you start moving
  • It adapts for statue or metric units (km or miles) based on the settings of the clock

WFL catch distance

If you download the app on your Garmin Forerunner 920XT, you can set up the data field by selecting activity settings, data screens, screen 1 and choosing “WFL – CatchDistance” in the field of your choice.

Before you head out the door, make sure you click here and head over to the Wings for Life World Run goal calculator. You can enter the distance or time you want torun and it will calculate your pace. If you put in your estimated pace, it will calculateyour expected time and distance.

Now, get out there are run for those who can’t and be sure to follow us on social media and let us know how far you were able to get before the Catcher Car app caught up to you!