Sometimes getting to the game is more of a challenge than playing

Header_footballstadiums Whether its a netball, ice hockey or football team, the Team of the Week radio promotion running across the country continues to provide us some great stories as people try their best to get hold of a Garmin Sat Nav for their club.

Brookvilla’s problems when missing a ferry due to a team joker changing the clocks, or the Milton Keynes U10 Ice Hockey team parents airing their view on why they deserve a Garmin to get them around the country are just two of the great tales we’ve come across. But its not too late for you to enter your team in for the chance to become Team of the Week and win a Garmin sat nav.

Simply visit the link below and select your nearest radio station and enter your team into this great competition. Each week the team of week will be introduced on air and given the chance to win a Garmin sat nav – as some times getting to the game is more difficult than taking part.

Click here to Enter