Taper time – Final marathon prep for Garmin Run Club

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In his latest blog, Garmin Run Club Ambassador Steve Way gives us more of an insight into his final preparations for this years Virgin London Marathon. His team mates also let us set up a photoshoot whilst they enjoyed one of their final team training session before London.

_DSC2756  "So
here we are, under 3 weeks to go and all the cliches come
out…………"All the hard work is done"……….."Nothing
you do in the last few weeks will make a
difference"……………."Don't do anything silly"

year I'd had a fantastic run up to FLM09 until with less than 3 weeks to go, a
flat out "10 x 3 min" interval session on tired legs resulted in a
pulled hamstring. 2 weeks of panicking and every other day on the sports
massage bed ended with a very painful 2:25:00.

year and the campaign has gone even better, 3 consecutive months of consistent
training with 500+ miles clocked up in each. Time to bank what I've got I keep
telling myself, "Don't do anything stupid" everyone
else rightly keeps telling me, but I've got to keep that balance, maintain
fitness but keep the risk levels down.

I still do the last few interval sessions and tune-up races………. yes but
with a little more caution this time!  Keeping controlled with an eye on
my Garmin to ensure I stick to my planned interval paces and no back to back
hard sessions.

the taper will continue to be as successful as it has started with a win in the
Yeovil Easter  Bunny 10K trouble is they gave me a big chocolate egg for winning
– that's not going to do the race weight any good!"