Team Garmin Pink finishes Race for Life in pretty good shape


Sunday saw 14 of the Garmin Ladies taking part in the Race for Life on Southampton Common. Either running, jogging or walking (or all 3!) 5km to raise money for Garmin UK's chosen charity – Cancer Research.  The first of the runners through the finish line was Linda Christoffersson with a time of 25 minutes, check out selected times below from our other team members.


Laura Tomei -                28 mins

Lucy Keites -                 28 mins 43 secs

Jen Hamblin -                32 mins            

Vicky Hammond -          32 mins

Becca Stimson -            34 mins

Nikki Barber -                34 mins

Lucy Byles -                  40 mins


Well done to all the ladies and for their sterling efforts they've so far managed to raise over £1200!!! If you would still like to donate to the Charity you can do so on the Team page


Next up for Team Garmin Run Club is the Beaulieu 10k in October as a part of the Cancer Research Run 10k series. Forerunners and training plans at the ready… Check out the Google Earth fly through of the course below.