Which Forerunner is Alice?

Alice forerunner

The “Which Forerunner are you?” series showcases runners like yourself that you can relate to. Learn more about the runners by following our series and you will be able to answer the question of which Forerunner you are.  
While training for a big race, it’s important to keep expectations and goals realistic, especially if you are new to running. While being young is an advantage, so is being wise beyond your years.
Alice is just 24 years old and is training for her first marathon. Her goal is to complete the 26.2 miles and to never stop running until she crosses the finish line. She doesn’t have a time goal because she takes pride in always moving forward and never giving up.
Time goals are right around the corner for her, but she is focused on making a manageable goal for herself during the longest race of her life.  Running can be a long journey and the progress will come if you know how to challenge yourself appropriately. 
Let us know if you can relate to Alice because you’re new to running and have a big goal in mind that you want to reach. Also, let us know which Forerunner you think she is based on her story. If you can’t relate to her, make sure you check out our other runners to find someone like you:
 Caroline
 Sam
 Richard 
 Harriet
Make sure you click here to visit our new Forerunner website and let us know on Garmin Fitness which #Forerunner you think Caroline is.