Which Forerunner is Caroline?

Forerunner caroline

The “Which Forerunner are you?” series showcases runners like yourself that you can relate to. Learn more about the runners by following our six part series and you will be able to answer the question of which Forerunner you are.  

There are a lot of different reasons that people start running. Some people start to get in better shape or to challenge themselves physically and mentally. Others find it as a greatway to bond with someone special in their life. Caroline is 36 years old but has been running since she turned 21. Running consistently for 15 years is not an easy task, but it can be more manageable when spending that quality time on the road with someone you care about.

While Caroline has been running for a long time, she really got serious when she started to train for a marathon with her partner. One of the most beautiful aspects of running is being able to step away from all of the distractions we face in every day life. She is able to do this with her partner and just focus on running and understanding each other on a deeper level. Let us know if you can relate to Caroline because you enjoy logging miles with a running buddy.

Also, let us which Forerunner you think she is based on her story. Stop by next week to meet Sam who is 29 years old and is an avid runner. One of Sam’s top priorities is to stay in shape and running helps her achieve that.

Make sure you click here to visit our new Forerunner website and let us know which #Forerunner you think Caroline is.