Which Forerunner is Richard?

Forerunner Richard
The “Which Forerunner are you?” series showcases runners like yourself that you can relate to. Learn more about the runners by following our six part seriesand you will be able to answer the question of which Forerunner you are.  

Every runner has a story that makes them who they are. It’s difficult to just pick up running without having a reason or motivation to keep you going. There’s usually a “why” behind it all that helps keeps you moving forward.

Richard is 39 years old and is an ex-Royal Marine. He is used to discipline and being pushedto the limits which is why running was a natural transition for him. Some people run for fun, but he is all about setting a goal, training and then pushing himself to meet those goals.

There’s a lot to be said for accomplishing what you set out to do. Richard’s backgroundconditioned him to follow through and to always put forth maximum effort.Let us know if you can relate to Richard because you have a background that makes you driven to achieve the goals you set. Also, let us which Forerunner you think he is based on his story.

Stop by next week to meet Harriet who is 29 years old and is so dedicated that her run often doubles as a commute. Make sure you click here to visit our new Forerunner website and let us know on Garmin Fitness which #Forerunner you think Richard is.