Meet Mexico’s Nahila Hernández

“Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.” A T.S. Elliot idea that became my slogan and I tattooed it on my back so I can´t forget it.

My name is Nahila Hernández. I was born in Azerbaiyan, grew up in Cuba and have lived in Mexico for the past 20 years. I have two daughters, Carmen who is 13 and Julia who is 10 years old. They are a huge part of my inspiration. I am an ultramarathoner who enjoys longer races: 160k and up, in difficult environments, when possible.

In 2008 I saw a video of “The Marathon des Sables” and since then long races have become my passion. This is strange because at that time I had not yet even completed a marathon.

After successfully completing the 250k Marathon des Sables, I made a decision that  drastically changed my life and the way I worked  so that I could travel the world doing the most exotic races in places such as the Himalayas, Antarctica, North and South America, Africa, Australia, Israel, and Easter Island, to name a few.


Now I continue searching for new challenges around the world. This search gives me butterflies and motivates me to look for longer and harder races. I want experiences that will allow me to try to push beyond both my physical and mental limits.

I also like to do charity events such as expeditions that involve running for multiple days. For example running from Argentina to Chile or recently I crossed the entire Atacama Desert, the toughest desert in the world. I completed the 1,236 Kilometers in 23 days, averaging 54K per day, under the toughest conditions.

This year I´ll attend La Ultra – The High, in the Himalayas. It will be 222 km in less than 48 hrs. at 4000 meters above sea level, reaching 2 peaks of 5334 meters. This will be the 7th annual race and in the past 6 years, 59 runners from 22 different countries have participated and only 30 have finished. It will be crazy!

But first, I am focused on a program called Wings for Life!  The Wings for Life World Run is a non-profit global running and wheelchair race that funds research into finding a cure for spinal cord injury. 100% of the Wings for Life World Run entry fees and runner donations go straight to the foundation with global partners such as Garmin. I´m looking forward to being the guide for a blind runner!

For more information on my races and results please click here.

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