How Movistar Pro Cycling Team Utilizes Garmin Technology

“Technology is simply a necessary tool,” said Mikel Zabala, Director of Technical and I+D for Movistar Team. We had the chance to speak with him and dig deeper into how the Team utilizes Garmin technology while training and as they compete at the Tour this month.

“All Movistar riders use a Garmin device to train and also to compete,” said Zabala. “It depends on each rider, but normally the Edge 520 or Edge 1000. During training workouts the device is used to show and register information from different variable selected. Apart from GPS variables there is very useful data related to performance like elevation gain, velocity, normalized power, and pedaling power balance.”

cyclist Movistar

“Some riders need power balance to work in an specific leg strength deficit or recent injury, and some of them need normalized power and actual power to maintain a specific rhythm during a stage. Others prefer to use the stage profile to know where they are in every moment of the stage so that they can adjust pacing much more accurately.
The good thing is that everything is adjustable to each individual interest, and there are all the required variables and much more to satisfy each one.”

Simply put, technology “adjusts perceived effort and pacing to external context and work developed or to be developed,” said Zabala.

Make sure to follow along with the Tour and check back in with @Garmin & @GarminFitness for updates!