Upgrading Helicopters to 8.33 kHz Spacing is Cost-Effective with New European Approvals
Garmin is pleased to announce installation of the GNC 255 NAV/COM and GTR 225 COM series is easier and more cost-effective for European-registered helicopters. This certification reduces installation time and the cost associated with the installation of the GTR/GNC radios in a wide variety of helicopter types in Europe. Additionally, Helicopter operators are offered an economical solution to meet the requirements of 8.33kHz channel spacing, which is required under the Single European Sky (SES) initiative by December 31, 2017.
The stand-alone GTR 225 COM and GNC 255 NAV/COM offer unique features that make it easy to find frequencies for a given airport or NAVAID. By simply entering an airport identifier into the GTR or GNC, frequencies associated with that station automatically populate. When manually tuning a frequency, the reverse lookup function displays the airport identifier or NAVAID, allowing pilots to easily locate the frequency of the nearest airport, air route traffic control center (ARTCC), flight service station and more. The GTR and GNC also include a COM monitor feature, which reduces pilot workload by providing pilots with the option to listen to a secondary frequency without leaving the active frequency assigned by ATC.
Unique to the GTR and GNC series, the 20 most recently used frequencies are automatically stored within the NAV/COM radios. Quick and easy access to commonly used frequencies is possible as both the GTR and GNC provide the option to manually store 15 additional frequencies associated with the pilot’s home airport or other frequently visited airports. The GNC NAV/COM series offers all of the same COM features provided by the GTR, adding VOR/ILS and glideslope capabilities.
The Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to enhance safety and efficiency of air transportation in Europe by tripling the number of channels available for aircraft communications. This initiative requires all aircraft using European airspace to be equipped with 8.33 kHz radios by December 31, 2017. Select GTR and GNC models offer both 25 kHz and 8.33 kHz operational capabilities.
For additional information regarding the GTR COM and GNC NAV/COM radios, contact a Garmin Authorized Dealer or visit: www.garmin.com/aviation.